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Windows Communicator           

How to hide the "Security" or "Shutdown application" menu item?

1. Open wcClient.ini from 
- Windows 9x - C:\Windows\Application Data\Windows Communicator
- Windows NT/2000/XP - C:\Documents And Settings\[user]\Application Data\Windows Communicator

          (folders may be hidden !)

 2 .Find section [xxxxSecurity] where xxxx=registered WC user

 3.. Add new values i.e.

HC = Disable Close button
HS = Hide Security window
HA = Hide Application
HF = Hide Monitoring menu item
HT = Hide Shutdown menu item
HI = Hide Internet tab from network settings
HN = Hide Nick menu 

1 = enable
0 = disable

For example if you want to hide Shutdown and Security menu items for user John your wcClient.ini should looks as follows:




Original menu

.... and menu after your changes

You will not be able to close hidden application (HA mode) because it is not visible in tray, no messages will popup. Application will stay invisible until you set the HA parameter to 0 and restart application (or Windows rather).
You may also create the file wcClients.ini in user Windows Communicator folder to use your security schema for all new WC users . The file should looks as below :


How to translate application?

Open any file (i.e. english.wc) from \Languages folder , translate one of them , you may also send the file to me to add the language to new Windows Communicator versions. 

How to run the Windows Communicator server behind the firewall?

You have to open the 5400 port in order to make Windows Communicator server visible over the internet.

How to set up Windows Communicator server to be visible on the internet, where the firewall is running on Linux.?

Well, I'm still working on linux server, but have not enough time to finish, so, you have to translate address and move all the packets from linux server with opened 5400 port to machine running Microsoft Windows and Windows Communicator server.

/usr/sbin/redir --lport 5400 --caddr= --cport=5400 &

Creating script the client can load on startup.

Make new, empty wcClient.ini file.
This entry sets the default-startup server, so user do not have to do it manually


This section disables Windows Communicator builtin server


This section allow you to run the Windows Communicator with specified language


This section disables some functions of Windows Communicator at startup



HL=Hide "Logs setup"
HS=Hide "Security" menu item
HF=Hide "Features" menu item
HI=Hide Internet tab (Network configuration)
HN=Hide nick
HA-Hide application
HC=Hide close

How to set up Windows Communicator server to be visible 
on the internet using Microsoft Internet Sharing


- Windows 2000/XP

1. Right Click on Internet Connection, select Properties
2. Click Settings on Sharing tab

3. Choose services ->Add
4. Enter the name of service i.e. "Windows Communicator"
5. Enter port 5400
6. Enter the IP or computer name of PC with running Windows Communicator server


- Windows 98/ME


How to set up Windows Communicator server to be visible 
on the internet using WinRoute.

Settings->Port mapping->Add

Protocol - TCP
Listen IP - <Unspecified>
Listen port - Single port , enter 5400
Destination IP - enter IP of computer with running Windows Communicator Server
Destination port - 5400

How can I ban user or lock topic change?

Open wcServer.ini in text editor .

Does Windows Communicator  Author have more privileges then other users, does he can spy without your permission?

This is frequent question so I answer now. I have NO privileges to get your screenshot or read your private messages without your permission. I can't browse your drives without your agreement. This is honour guarantee. Windows Communicator is not a spyware, it doesn't send any private data, doesn't connect to any servers, doesn't retrieve banners or advertisements.

Windows 95, problems while running and sending messages

While starting, Windows Communicator can display error dialog "thread error" , or "nonblocking socket" on message box click.

-service pack 1
-Socket 2 update

I strongly suggest you to install Tahoma font (available in Microsoft  Office and other applications)

Sending SMS via Windows Communicator Server gateway

1.Connect the phone to computer with running Windows Communicator Server via serial cable
1. Connect the phone to computer with running Windows Communicator Server via IRDA (you will need virtual port driver from http://www.ircomm2k.de/english)

2. Edit wcServer.conf

Enabled=1   ---> 0 - disable support, 1 -> enable support
COM=COM3  ---> COM3 = the COM port your phone is connected to

3. Download SMSClient plugin for Windows Communicator clients